The Faro Mine Remediation Project is entirely within the asserted traditional territory of the Kaska Nation.
Due to the project’s location, the Ross River Dena Council, Liard First Nation and the Selkirk First Nation have been recognized as affected by the Faro Mine Site. They are consulted on an ongoing basis, so the Project incorporates their input. The Government of Canada funds the Project and leads the Remediation Plan design and regulatory process.
The FMRP is committed to responsible economic development through respecting the principles of reconciliation and promoting Indigenous participation in the economy.
To support project employment goals in recruitment and retention of indigenous staff, the FMRP celebrates Kaska culture and drives workplace equity and diversity. The site continually works toward developing a more culturally aware and culturally sensitive environment for workers. At the FMRP we embrace the use of the Kaska language and provide opportunities for staff to participate in cultural events hosted on-site and in the communities.
Policies and strategies such as Indigenous Opportunities Considerations (IOC) as evaluation criteria in procurements and the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PSAB) have been implemented to facilitate opportunities for indigenous peoples, communities, and businesses.
Indigenous Opportunities Considerations (IOC) is a procurement and contracting mechanism used within the Project and are encouraged on every work package. IOCs are a plan of action designed to maximize Indigenous employment, training, skills development, and subcontracting. The intent of the IOC is to maximize the involvement of Kaska Dena citizens and suppliers through the course of the project and during the implementation of Construction Work Packages.
All procurements tendered by the Main Construction Manager for the Faro Mine Remediation Project must include an IOC, unless otherwise approved by Canada. The application of the IOC requires bidders to set targets and make commitments to maximize employment, training, subcontracting, suppliers, and other socio-economic opportunities for the Kaska Dena.
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